
  1. Accept that the first online class will feel overwhelming
    Let’s face it, the first time you try anything new it feels overwhelming.  在线 课程也一样.  It takes time to learn how to maneuver through the system and to communicate with others online.  Your confidence will build as you become more comfortable with how things work.  Think about ways to motivate 你的self now, so when you feel overwhelmed you keep 你的self grounded in 你的 overall education goals and 继续前进.

  2. Take full advantage of 菠菜网lol正规平台 resources
    菠菜网lol正规平台 has a variety of online resources available to students. 你可以随时联系 你的 大学生成功中心 for help finding the resources you need.  The Spartan Success Portal has links to a number of helpful websites and apps. 你可以穿过这个 菠菜网lol正规平台一 and type “Student Lingo” into the search bar for help with time management, communication, 学习技巧等.  利用…… 上海外国语大学辅导中心 to get appointments with tutors for writing, studying or certain course topics.  Familiarize 你的self with available resources to use them for increased learning experience and success in 你的 在线课程s.

  3. Log on to 你的 course frequently
    Make sure to check 你的 course a minimum of 4-5 days a week. 一旦你进入 online discussions, you will want to see who has commented on 你的 postings and read 老师的反馈. If you let too many days go by, you will get behind and find it very difficult to catch up.

  4. 参与 ... 参与
    Regular participation is very important to a quality online experience for every一个.  Your classmates have a wide variety of background experiences that will naturally come out during discussions and projects, and it’s a great way to network with future 的同事们. 加入并贡献自己的力量!

  5. Take the program and 你的self seriously
    As part of 菠菜网lol正规平台’s accreditation, we are required to prove during strict audits that our classroom and 在线课程s deliver the same content and rigor.  许多学生 take 在线课程s, because they believe them to be easier or take less time.  这些 students either drop out or do poorly in the course.  不要让这种事发生在你身上!  在线 courses affect academic records and financial aid.

  6. Budget 你的 time, set schedules, and complete work on time
    在线 courses are a convenient way to fit 你的 education into an already busy life.  Make sure to block off regular time to work on 你的 course and stick to that schedule.  For new online students it often takes a few weeks to get into a pattern, but you will find that setting a specific time period to work on 你的 class will keep you 正轨.

  7. Try to find a private space where you can study
    在线 courses are a convenient way to attend a course that you might otherwise not 能够在校园里参加.  That being said, don’t discount the importance of having a place to concentrate and work on 你的 course.  Coming to campus for a face-to-face course is a great way to get away from the disruptions of work or family for a few hours, and you will need to find a similar space to do the same when you work on 你的 在线课程. During the pandemic, this may be a challenge.  如果你是 sharing space with a large number of people, you may have to get creative. Work with 你的 family or housemates to agree on times where you can have a corner or room to 你的self, uninterrupted. Put on headph一个s with quiet music or a white noise app to block out 你的 environment.

  8. 礼貌和尊重
    Being polite and respectful is not only common sense, it is absolutely essential for a productive and supportive online environment. In a positive online environment, you will be able to express 你的 thoughts and opinions openly and feel 你的 contribution has been valued by both 你的 classmates and 你的 instructor.

  9. Speak up if you are having problems
    Technical difficulties are not an excuse for late or missed assignments.  如果你是 having technical difficulties, or problems understanding something about the course, you MUST speak up otherwise there is no way that any一个 will know that something is 错误的.  Chances are that if you don’t understand something, others have the same question. Email 你的 instructor or add questions to the online discussion board.

  10. 学以致用
    Apply everything you learn as you learn it, so it will be committed to long-term memory. Whenever possible, take the things you learn in 你的 在线课程 today and use them 明天在你的工作场所. Also, make connections between what you are learning and what you do or will do in 你的 job.



The North Hennepin Community College’s 10 Tips for Being a Successful 在线 Student.