Welcome H&A Spartans!

Upcoming Events:

Spring 2024 Appointments Available

H&A Advisors are available to assist you with the following services:

  • GE Planning/Scheduling
  • University Academic Notice
  • Disqualification/Reinstatement
  • University Policies & Procedures

For questions about major related courses please reach out to your Major advisor.

Schedule an Appointment

Spring 2024 Drop-In Advising

In-Person Drop-Ins Available:

Tuesday & Thursday
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Clark Hall 244

Last drop-in appointment accepted by 11:45AM.

Summer/Fall 2024 Registration Drop-ins will begin April 22nd

Check back for updated hours.

Have a quick question?

If you have a quick question that an advisor can answer through email please submit through our H&A SSC Intake Form. 

All Junior and Senior students can submit their questions here.

Freshman and Sophomore students can submit their questions here.

Spartan Connection Resources

spartan spirit

Follow Us on Social Media

Follow us on Instagram (@sjsuhassc) and Facebook to keep up-to-date on important dates, deadlines, and the latest 菠菜网lol正规平台 advising happenings!