Frequently Asked Questions

Sexual Assault and Violence Frequently Asked Questions

What is child sexual abuse?

当儿童被用作性满足的对象时,就会发生“儿童性虐待” 通过操纵,剥削,威胁或身体上的伤害 force.” The abuser does not have to contact the child physically (e.g. rape, molest) for an act to be defined as CSA; acts such as photographing a child for pornography are also ways in which children are sexually abused. CSA usually occurs in the home with someone the child trusts. The most prevalent form of CSA is incest, when the abuser is related to the child.

What is dating violence?

约会暴力/关系暴力是一种侵犯性和强制性行为模式, 包括身体上的,性的,语言上的,心理上的,性的和情感上的攻击 人们用来对付约会对象的行为(比如:打人、大喊大叫、推搡、偷窃) money, rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, etc.). Dating violence often coincides 一个伴侣被另一个伴侣孤立,无论是身体上的约束,心理上的 隔离,或者剥夺允许伴侣离开的机制(比如钱) or self-confidence). Dating violence occurs in all types of relationships, and people of all genders, sexualities, abilities, races, ages, marital statuses, etc. can be perpetrators and survivors of dating violence.

What are date rape drugs?

约会强奸药是通常用于麻醉或麻醉人的物质 for the purpose of raping or sexually assaulting them. There are many substances that 属于这一类,它们经常在人们不知情的情况下口服给他们 through methods such as slipping them into their drink. People who are given date 强奸药往往变得很陶醉,可能会失去意识,变得头晕和 lose the ability to consent to sexual activity. While some people take these or other drugs recreationally, this is not consent to sexual activity. Having sex with anyone under the influence of a drug (whether or not they took it 自愿)被法律定义为强奸,无论性别、性取向、种族、 ability, marital status, age, etc. of the survivor or perpetrator.

What is sexual harassment?

性骚扰是指被强迫的、不道德的和/或不受欢迎的性关注(包括 verbal harassment, demands for sex, subtle suggestions, rape, and sexual assault). Quid pro quo harassment occurs when a superior (teacher, employer, etc.) causes someone to believe 他们必须接受不受欢迎的性行为才能在学校里学习 or work activity. Hostile environment harassment occurs when unwelcome, sexually harassing conduct is so severe or persistent that it affects someone's ability to participate in or advance at school or work. By legal definition, 性骚扰被认为是骚扰行为对个人的影响,而不是被指控的肇事者的意图. In assessing whether an incident constitutes sexual harassment Ð从严重违反法律到不当行为的案件Ð考虑 is given to the entire context of the situation. 性骚扰是关于powerÑunequal权力关系经常被滥用或由虐待行为造成.

What is stalking?

跟踪是指有意图地反复跟踪和/或骚扰他人 to threaten or place in fear the person being harassed. Stalking is prolonged criminal 会危及被跟踪的人,他们的家人,朋友,还有 the community, and also poses the threat of other types of violence. Behavior requires 根据大多数州的法规,重复被认定为跟踪(通常是两次或两次以上). 人们可能被陌生人、前约会对象、亲戚、熟人跟踪, siblings, former friends, teachers, etc. People of all genders, sexualities, races, ages, abilities, marital statuses, etc. can be survivors or perpetrators of stalking.

What are sexual assault and rape, and what's the difference?

性侵犯是指未经双方同意的性行为,不包括强奸,包括但不包括 仅限于口交,被异物插入,性接触/殴打 侵犯他人生殖器或其他“性”部位,并企图侵犯他人 to commit rape. People of all genders, sexualities, abilities, races, ages, marital statuses, etc. can be perpetrators and survivors of sexual assault.

Rape is a non-consensual act of sexual intercourse, including sexual penetration, 有下列情形之一的:(一)以武力、暴力、胁迫、威胁或者 fear of immediate and unlawful bodily injury to the survivor or another; 2) by preventing 对任何麻醉物质(如酒精或毒品)的抵抗力 and this condition was known or should have been known by the accused; 3) when a person is unconscious of the nature of the act and the rapist knows it; 4) when a person 不能给予法律上的同意,因为紊乱,残疾,中毒, or is underage. People of all genders, sexualities, marital statuses, abilities, races, ages, etc. can be perpetrators and survivors of rape.

LGBTQ+ Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between gender and sex?

尽管我们的社会经常把“gender”和“sex”这两个词互换使用,但它们却不是 the same.

What is sex?

一个人的性别指的是一个人的生理特征,特别是外在的染色体 genitalia, secondary sexual characteristics (development of breasts, pubic hair), and internal reproductive system. Sex is a term used historically and within the medical 领域,以确定遗传/激素和物理特征,用于分类 an individual as female, male, or intersex. Sex is a legal assignment at your birth.

What is gender?

性别是一系列社会建构和分配的行为和身份模式 哪些通常被认为是交织在一起和/或等同于一个人的性生理. 事实上,性别是建构的,是流动的,在不同文化中有多种含义, geographies, communities, and individuals. Although society promotes the dualistic concept that people are either a woman or a man, there are more than two genders.

性别可以被理解为有几个组成部分,包括“指定性别”, “Gender Expression,” “Gender Identity,” and “Gender Role.”

What is gender identity?

Gender identity is one's sense of one's own gender. It is the inner sense of being 一个男人,一个女人,两者都是,两者都不是,两种精神,多性别,双性别或其他配置 of gender.

What is sexual orientation? What does LGBQ+ mean?

LGBQ stands for: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Queer. LGBQ is a term used to refer to the community formed by these diverse identities that are joined together because of their shared oppression under heterosexism, homophobia, and sexism. LGBQ people 每个社会经济阶层,教育水平,政治派别, age group, religion, race and ethnicity.

What does "queer" mean?

Queer has been used as...

  • an umbrella term for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community.
  • 这是一种政治声明,也是一种性取向,主张打破二元对立.
  • 认识到性取向和性别认同是潜在的 fluid.
  • a simple label to explain a complex set of sexual behaviors and desires. For example, a person who is attracted to multiple genders may identify as queer.

What does "transgender" mean?

跨性别者(有时简称为trans或TG)指的是那些性别不同的人 身份不符合社会通常与他们的生理联系 sex. For example, an individual may be anatomically female (sex), and identify with and have a masculine gender expression. Yet, not all transgender people fit into a masculine/feminine binary. Instead, they may express multiple genders or express a unique gender that is neither completely masculine nor feminine. Transgender is also 用于一个更大的性别不符合人群的总称,包括 transsexuals, cross dressers, genderqueers, and others. It is important to acknowledge 并不是所有符合这个定义的跨性别者都认同自己 as such.

What does "intersex" mean?

Intersex (previously referred to as hermaphrodite指的是一种情况,因为一个人可能有性染色体,解剖学 or physiology that are not socially considered standard for either male or female. 阴阳人通常在出生时就很明显,但有些人会在青春期后期发展. 没有单一的“双性人身体”,双性人包括各种各样的情况 that do not have anything in common other than that they are deemed “abnormal” by the medical establishment.

What is bisexuality?

双性恋(有时缩写为bi)指的是被吸引的可能性 to both men and women. There are many variations of how one may express their bisexuality. Some bisexuals are equally attracted to both women and men, others may experience different degrees of attraction that may change throughout their lifetime. Identifying as bisexual does not mandate that one is sexually active with both men and women. 一些与男性和女性都有性行为的人可能不认为自己是双性恋 since sexual activity does not necessarily define one's sexual orientation.

What is homophobia?

Homophobia is the irrational fear and intolerance of a person's real or perceived sexual orientation. It can be caused by hate, prejudice, fear, and/or ignorance. Anti-gay 由恐同引起的暴力和仇恨是美国大多数仇恨犯罪的原因 U.S. Homophobia has different motivations, but it always leads to hurt and exclusion of others.

What is heterosexism?

假设每个人都是异性恋者因此边缘化了那些认同的人 as LGBQ+. It is also believing heterosexuality to be superior to homosexuality.

Some definitions and text courtesy of UC Berkeley's Gender Equity Resource Center.
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