

As a future Spartan, we invite you to contact us to schedule a prospective appointment. During the appointment, you can learn more about our services and the registration 过程. 欢迎家庭成员或其他个人参加.

如需预约,请发电子邮件 aec-info@ewepub.com.


Registering with the AEC is a separate 过程 from your university admissions application. Once you have accepted and submitted your Intent to Enroll (by May 1st), visit our 如何注册 页面.


The admissions application 过程 for students with disabilities is the same as that 其他学生. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 招生 页面. 

The AEC’s Case Management Team reviews all submitted documentation with respect to 残疾考虑和招生审查. 案例小组的建议将会 be submitted to the Director of Enrollment Services and the 招生 Appeal Committee 供他们审查和决定. 注册服务部将通知学生 决定.

In cases where the disability and severity of limitations determine support for a B4替代,AEC推荐录取菠菜网lol正规平台. 一旦被录取,你就会工作 与AEC合作,在上海州立大学选修第二门批判性思维课程. AEC需要这样做 confirm with your intended major that math is not an essential requirement. 



As students begin their academic careers at 菠菜网lol正规平台, it is important to keep in mind that the education and the accommodations received will be affected by a different 一套法律、政策和程序. 这些法律保证平等的机会 to an education without fundamentally altering the essential requirements and expectations 属于一类或程序的. 这些法律要求学生承担责任 providing documentation of their disability, identify needed accommodations, and make 及时请求支持和服务. 

The transition from high school or community college to 菠菜网lol正规平台 can be difficult for 任何学生,尤其是残疾学生. 一旦从过渡过来 high school to 菠菜网lol正规平台, students will be treated as adults and expected to assume responsibility 为他们的需要辩护. 此外,学生得到的一些住宿 in high school or at a community college may not be 可用 or appropriate in a 比如上海大学. 
